For “from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen” (Romans 11:36).
4th Annual Praying for Our Children Series!
Mon, Sep 16
Come and join us in praying for our children. The Prayer Series will be incorporated to our daily morning prayer starting on September 9, 2024. We will conclude.on September 16, 2024 at 7:30-9:00 PM. Here is the link for the Zoom Morning Prayer:
Time & Location
Sep 16, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
About the Event
A guide to pray for our children: 7 Day Prayer-series for Group or individual.
Day #1: Prayer for the sin & forgiveness of the parents
Pray for God to break all evils and sins in our generation. Ask the Lord to cleanse our generation line (past, present, and future) and to forgive our sins (you may pray a generation healing prayer). Recommended Psalms: Psalm 51, Psalm 130, and Psalm 28
Day # 2: Prayer for the Sin & forgiveness of the children
Deliverance from spiritual adultery, impurity, and soul tied. Pray for forgiveness of sins and for the Lord to clothe our children with purity, holiness, and righteousness.
Recommended Psalms: Psalm 51, Psalm 32, and Psalm 34
Day # 3: Thanksgiving (Blessing), praise, and worship God for the gift of our children
Recommended Psalms: Psalm 150, Psalm 136, and Psalm 118
Day # 4: Prayer for spiritual health and spiritual guidance. Ask the Lord to heal our children’s spiritual illness and lukewarmness. Ask the Lord to give them zeal to love, know, and serve Him.
Recommended Psalms: Psalm 16, Psalm 41, and Psalm 146
Day # 5: Prayer for the mental, physical health, and maturity of our children. Ask the Lord to heal any psychological and physical illnesses; and to bless them with good health.
Recommended Psalms: Psalm 31, Psalm 6, and Psalm 107
Day # 6: Prayer for success in school, work, and financial well-being. Ask the Lord to accomplish His divine plan in the life of our children.
Recommended Psalms: Psalm 20, Psalm 37, and Psalm 118
Day #7: Prayer for good/spiritual friends, stable family life, and protection in all aspects of life & Thanksgiving for God’s goodness, love, and mercy.
Recommended Psalms: Psalm 91, Psalm 23, Psalm 121, and Psalm 118
Concluding Prayer for every day: The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)
(Hail Mary for Catholics)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, world without end. Amen.
This Prayer Serie is originated from Jax Prayer Club. You may use it at your discretion.
Thank you!